User-agent: Googlebot-Image< Disallow: / Write Write Baby: Halloween is an evil evil holiday!

Friday, November 02, 2007

Halloween is an evil evil holiday!

Yes, Halloween is evil. Oh, not because of the witches, goblins and ghouls. Or the other really scary decorations...

It's because of the candy.

See, Baby Girl is still pretty young. She doesn't really get the concept of Halloween. Every time I start explaining - "Listen, honey, it's a Christian adaptation of the pagan holiday of Samhain" - she just tunes me out.

But that doesn't mean she doesn't want to put on a costume and go up to a bunch of doors and grab handfuls of candy. Even if we made her go as Sean Preston Federline with mommy as Britney and daddy as the court appointed supervisor. Man, were we tired of explaining THAT costume by the 10th house!

We went trick or treating in Hancock Park - one of the ritzy areas of L.A. I would have LOVED this area as a kid. One house was actually giving out full sized candy bars! There must have been hundreds of kids in the streets.

We didn't make it very far before Baby Girl was done with the whole process. I mean, those lawns are pretty big to walk across for someone her size.

Once we got home, I surveyed her candy haul and realized that as a responsible parent, I really only had one choice. I had to make the ultimate sacrifice...and eat all of her candy.

I mean, no loving mother could let her toddler eat that much chocolate, right? Right? I'm still trying to decide if the stomach pain is sugar overload or guilt.

And that's why Halloween is an evil, evil holiday.


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