User-agent: Googlebot-Image< Disallow: / Write Write Baby: They're baaack!

Sunday, March 04, 2007

They're baaack!

Yes, it's true. I've finally returned. So many of you have asked me what was happening that I decided it was time to get back to writing. Well, ok, maybe only one or two people asked, but that was certainly enough for me!

I can't believe my last post was 6 months ago. At first, I thought I would just take a month off to shake the sickos surfing for p.o.r.n. Then, I took a full time job. Between that, writing, making short films, baby wrangling, and living life, I never seemed to have time to blog.

And to tell the truth, I didn't miss the pressure. See, I started the blog as a lazy way to update friends and family about Baby Girl. I was surprised when people I didn't know personally started dropping in, reading the blog and posting comments.

Suddenly, I felt like I had better be entertaining and started second-guessing my posts. Were they funny enough? Did they have enough punch? Posts started taking longer because I couldn't stop editing them.

So, I gave up. And the job became extremely time consuming and stressful, so everything else fell by the wayside. But now I've been inspired by a few friends' new blogs ( and and am back in the game!

There's so many updates that I'll try to summarize quickly here and maybe expand on some in other posts:

I took a full time job at the end of October (at a film company that shall remain nameless)
The hubby and I ran the Honolulu Marathon in early December
Baby Girl took her first steps during the holidays
I had surgery at the end of December (thanks marathon!)
Baby Girl turned one in January
We all went to the Sundance Film Festival
I quit my nameless job and my last full time day is March 9 (YAY!)
We made 4 more short films, which will be available online soon

I'm sure there's a lot more that happened in the last 6 months, but that's plenty for now. One thing that hasn't happened yet? Baby Girl sleeping through the night. Yes, I'm one of those lucky parents!

I'll leave with one of my favorite recent photos of Baby Girl - if you look closely, she' that yes indeed, she is now one year old!


At 1:25 PM, Blogger Christine said...

Congratulations! We'll have to do lunch sometime since I don't work.

Oh, and cute picture!!

At 9:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Bout damn time...


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