User-agent: Googlebot-Image< Disallow: / Write Write Baby: Der laptop ist kaput!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Der laptop ist kaput!

Typing this title made me think about our efforts to teach Baby Girl foreign languages. See, I watch too much Discovery and TLC. I saw a program that talked about how kids learn foreign language patterns when they're infants and that makes it much easier for them to learn those languages later.

So I trotted out my trusty Spanish and the hubby dusted off his rusty German. We also read to her a little in French.

Sounds good, right?

Only I'm worried that Baby Girl is learning to speak French like Pepe Le Pew and German like Colonel Klink. Our accents might be a little over the top and some day my child may get her ass kicked in France.

Anyway, my poor laptop has finally given up. It's been acting up recently - basically shutting down randomly while I'm in the middle of typing. Like it's not hard enough for me to get anything done.

And today, it just died. Luckily, I had already sent the latest version of the screenplay we're revising to the writing partner. Otherwise, it would have been locked up tight inside the frozen box.

The hubby is taking it to a place tomorrow to get fixed and hopefully, I'll be back up and running quickly. Although I realized that, without my laptop, I got a lot more done today. Oh, not work-wise, but stuff around the house.

I apparently spend a lot of time reading blogs while Baby Girl naps. Ahem.

How does Baby Girl feel about the laptop situation?


At 8:20 AM, Blogger Gina said...

Sorry about your laptop, that sucks! Yeah, my hubby gives me SUCH a hard time about reading blogs and blogging when I should be sleeping or being productive elsewhere. Oh such is the addiction...

Baby girl is adorable in this shot!

At 10:49 AM, Blogger Andrea said...

Hi! Just found your site through Girl Gone Child. I can commiserate with laptop woes. I dropped my laptop last summer and suffered 4 months without a home computer until we could replace it. It was HELL! Luckily I saved my manuscript on an antiquated 3.5 floppy. Saved my bacon.

You might find this funny or think I'm the worst, but you left a comment on GGC's 100th post telling the Two Dogs Humping joke, back in March. Well, my husband's cousin loves that joke and when I was pregnant with our little one in 2003, hubby and I actually dressed up as the punchline of that joke for Halloween. He was the Indian chief (father-not grandfather) and I was the squaw, and we put a nametag on my 6 month pregnant belly for Two Dogs Humping. We were only at my sister-in-law's house among friends, so it's not like I went out in public like that. But we were having some trouble with baby names and our friends knew that, so we thought the joke was funny, even if it was tasteless.

At 11:30 AM, Blogger GIRL'S GONE CHILD said...

Oh my gosh! That is the cutest photo of baby girl I have ever seen. HEEEELLLLLLO? She's a supermodel. I'm dying!!!!

At 4:53 PM, Blogger kiwidebra said...

Ohmigod, Andrea! HAHAHA! I would have loved to see that. My hubby and I went as Britney & Kevin when I was pregnant. I carried a bag of Cheetos and a Red Bull and he wore a tank that said Wife Beater on it. And we went to the grocery store dressed like that!


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