User-agent: Googlebot-Image< Disallow: / Write Write Baby: Bloggers Unmasked

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Bloggers Unmasked

I was feeling really guilty about not posting for a while because I’ve been so tired and uninspired. Saturday night, I headed out to the LA Blogger party, hosted by LA Daddy. There I met some great people and found out I’m not the only reluctant blogger in the bunch.

We ended up not being able to find a babysitter so it was the hubby, Baby Girl and myself. We told LA Daddy we’d set up a room for anyone else who had to bring the kids but turns out we’re the only losers who can’t find a sitter. We did have a good reason though as it was one of our good friends 30th birthday and most of our sitters were hanging out there.

Anyway, we still had a great time chatting with everyone. Well, I did anyway. The hubby spent most of his evening chasing Baby Girl around the house and away from the temptingly lit in-ground Jacuzzi.

I was happy to meet Stefanie from Baby on Bored, who I knew was funny and cool from reading her blog, but was doubly-so in person. I also had a great time chatting with some new people and catching up on their blogs afterwards - Suebob from Red Stapler and Kevin Charnas and his partner Will, although I thought his spandex outfit and feather boa was a bit much. Kidding! To see what Kevin really looks like, you can see the pics on LA Daddy’s site. Love your card by the way! Nice job, Will.

I really should have taken notes because I talked with so many people whose blogs I now can't remember. I'd blame it on the alcohol but I didn't drink, dammit. Oh, I didn't even mention LA Mommy, although we're already friends so it almost doesn't count. Oh, and my new favorite blog name, Down With Pants.

We chatted about some fun ideas for blog posts, although I think I’m going to stay away from the fetish idea. I already get enough weird hits here.


At 2:24 PM, Blogger BabyonBored said...

I don't know about the fetish stuff you're talking about. Did I leave too early? Thanks for saying I'm fun or something like that. Shit, not for long...

At 2:41 PM, Blogger Kevin Charnas said...

Tell me about it, sister. That thing was frickin HOTTT!!! and rode up my crack like nobody's business. usually, you have to pay extra for that.


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