User-agent: Googlebot-Image< Disallow: / Write Write Baby: I'll kill you dead

Friday, January 13, 2006

I'll kill you dead

I was watching the news the other day and there was footage of yet another police chase. The fleeing car ended up going the wrong way down an offramp and ramming a car with a woman and her baby. As the police pull up and jump out guns drawn, the woman exits her car and attempts to kick the crap out of the suspect.

And I completely understood.

As we drove our 2-day-old baby girl home from the hospital, some jackass in a huge truck was tailgating us, then whipped around us to pass. Now, keep in mind that we were right on the tail of the car in front of us. Typical LA driving that I've seen a million times.

Only this time, I felt a surge of rage boil up from the very depths of my being. As we pulled up next to the truck at a red light, I had to actually restrain myself from getting out and punching the guy in the head.

I suddenly realized what people mean when they say they'd kill for their kids. I've become a mom cliche. Look at my kid funny and I'll kill you dead.


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